Bible Study

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Our sabbath school group is a small group of SDA members consisting of a variable number of persons.

We join on Sabbath days with 6 to 13 people for Sabbath school at 10 am. Before starting our lesson, we have some chit—chat about what happened that week and a short prayer. Then, without further delay we like to discuss and share questions we might have.Some of the members join the English speaking Sabbath school group afterwards.

On Wednesday evening or in the future on Monday evening we gather with small part of the group to study the writings of Ellen G. White, specifically The Great Controversy.

We are a dynamic English-speaking group who love to spend time with God and with each other. Our group is diverse, made up of people from at least 9 different countries, across different age ranges. We also welcome visitors each week from around the world. So far, we have been joined by people from here in the Netherlands, Finland, Thailand, Nigeria and the UK.

We meet each Sabbath with a group ranging from 7 to 18 people (visitors included). In the morning, we gather at 10am to study the Word of God, mostly the Sabbath School lesson and sometimes with a sermon. We also dedicate about 45 minutes to intercessory prayer. We meet again at 7pm to close the Sabbath together and study a chosen topic.

Apart from our weekly Sabbath meetings, we also have social activities, mostly outdoors, consisting of gardening, picnicking or just sharing a meal and inviting our friends to take part.

During this Corona time, we have deepened our relationship with God, His Word, each other and people around us. We invite you to join us as we prepare for Christ’s second coming.

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